Some folks trade stocks, some trade shiny pieces of cardboard. I fall in the latter category, and found myself annoyed everytime I had to manually check or track prices and list cards on eBay – so I automated a good chunk of the process, taking inspiration from the finance world.

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Deciding what to eat for the week? Noting down all the ingredients you need to buy? Organizing all your recipies? No thanks. This project is a simple database of recipies, with a planner app on top if it that offers recipies for the week, along with a shopping list of ingredients.

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I had a couple friends in college that played around with Unity and game dev and ended up making some pretty cool single-level games. Figured I’d try my hand at learning some basics.

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Pawel Gucik

Researcher-turned-engineer with a passion for creating things from scratch and teaching myself new skills.

Software Engineer

Denver, CO